When we think of hypnosis, often the first image that springs to mind is a charismatic stage hypnotist with an unwitting audience member clucking like a chicken on cue, upon waking from a trance state, for the amusement of an audience.  Whilst the stage hypnotist is entertaining and skilled in his/ her craft it can be difficult to make the link between this experience and the powerful yet gentle hypnotherapy that is used for healing a multitude of human psychological and physical conditions.

Hypnosis has a solid empirical scientific evidence base

Hypnosis has a solid empirical scientific evidence base for the treatment of addictions – substance abuse, smoking, eating disorders – phobias, trauma, anxiety, depression, chronic and acute pain. When used in a clinical setting by a qualified clinician it is an extremely effective treatment for promoting behaviour change. Hypnosis can create a highly relaxed state of inner concentration and focused attention for patients, and the technique can be tailored to different treatment methods, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy. Patients also can become more empowered by learning to hypnotize themselves at home to reduce chronic pain, improve sleep, or alleviate some symptoms of depression or anxiety.

Some of the myths surrounding hypnosis

I won’t have any control over the treatment. 

This is probably the number 1 myth popularised by the stage hypnotist experience. Clinical hypnosis is generally a calming and relaxing experience. A properly qualified therapist has a duty of care to ensure that you feel comfortable and in control of your treatment at all times. You have the freedom to move, open your eyes and speak during hypnosis should you wish to do so. You will NEVER be forced to do anything that you do not want to do.

There is no scientific evidence that hypnosis is an effective treatment. 

Hypnosis has been used for centuries for pain control, specifically for amputations during war time where there has been no access to anesthetic medicines. There is a mountain of scientific evidence to support the use of hypnosis as an effective treatment for anxiety, depression and phobias. In fact the more we learn about neuro psychotherapy the wider the application for hypnosis.

It is important that hypnosis is not used as a stand alone therapy. Clinical hypnosis is most effective when used in conjunction with other psychotherapeutic techniques. Make sure that the therapist holds suitable and reputable qualifications. Beware of advertised claims of the “one session cure”.

I can’t be hypnotised. 

While not everyone can be hypnotised. Many people are surprised at how hypnotisable they actually are. Often all you need is a willingness to try and motivation to work on changing particular thoughts or behaviours that are getting in the way of your life.  I have had the privelige of working with many people as a psychotherapist and clinical hypnotherapist using hypnosis to enable them to be free from anxiety and addictions.

If you would like to know more about hypnosis visit my website or better still give me a call so that we can talk in person about how hypnosis can help you to live a more fulfilling life.

How can I help?

Please call or email to discuss how I can help or to book an appointment.